APC will be the main sponsor at the third edition of the event “Exploring Bandiere Arancioni”, a special showcase where all Italian villages “certified” by the Italian Touring Club for their touristic and environmental qualities become ambassadors of the peculiar beauties of their territories, by displaying local food and wine produce, pieces of typical craftmanship […]

Like every year, the leading figures of international en plein air tourism will gather at MELVI (Meeting of the European Leisure Vehicle Industry), the international meeting for all European producers of recreational vehicles, organised by ECF – European Caravan Federation, and scheduled for next May 25th, this year at its 24th edition. This year the […]
Still more than 4 months are left for the kickoff of the Salone del Camper 2018, scheduled for next September 8th-16th at Fiere di Parma premises, featuring APC as the main partner, as usual. You can download from the Salone del Camper official website the free app dedicated to lovers of Tourism in Freedom, where […]
Also this year spring long weekends – including Easter, April 25th and May 1st – have seen a boom in Tourists in Freedom visiting our peninsula. According to APC estimates, this year over 600,000 Tourists in Freedom, 400,000 from Italy and 200,000 from abroad went for their motorhome in these periods, choosing in particular those […]

Good day everyone, I introduce with pleasure May 2018 issue of APC News, our usual monthly appointment dedicated to all those who love Tourism in Freedom, highlighting news and initiatives about the activities currently carried out by APC. I am very glad to inform you that the book “Camperchef – Ricette en plein air”, by […]

The new stopping area of Riolo Terme, a municipality in province of Ravenna – the awardee of APC Call for Tender “I Comuni del Turismo in Libertà” 2016 for the category “Renovation and implementation” – was inaugurated in July 2017. The new motorhome area now looks better equipped, improved and functional. Set up in via […]

The stopping area of Gambatesa, in province of Campobasso, was inaugurated a few days ago, realised further to being awarded APC Call for Tender “I Comuni del Turismo in Libertà” for the category “South and Islands” in 2015. It is a municipal stopping area, next to “G. Venditti” stadium, equipped with 15 pitches on grass. […]

Passion for motorhomes is also for VIPs. It is not news that more and more celebrities are resorting to our favourite vehicle to travel with their families or their entourage, sometimes made up of many people, and therefore in need of bigger spaces. Will Smith, Ashton Kutcher, Sharon Stone, Sean Penn and many more are […]

The press conference presenting the exhibition “T&O – Turismo e Outdoor” was held last November 13th at Sheraton Diana Majestic Hotel, Milan. Scheduled for February 15th – 18th at Fiere di Parma exhibition grounds, obviously in partnership with APC, “T&O” is the only Italian exhibition dedicated to en plein air activities, experiential tourism and outdoor […]

This year’s edition of the Salone del Camper was extremely successful, as showed by the newly-set record of 132,000 visitors attending the event, held at Fiere di Parma exhibition grounds last September 9th – 17th. And these are not the only big figures for this seventh edition: 40,000 downloads for the “Salone del Camper” app […]

“APC Gold Card” is getting more and more consent. Further to the renewed marriage with Museo dell’Accademia Etrusca e la Città di Cortona (Arezzo), and after making official the cooperation with Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli, Regione Lombardia and Regione Piemonte Authorities also joined our initiative, including it in their “Abbonamento Musei Piemonte – Lombardia”. […]

At the last edition of the Salone del Camper APC presented “APC Gold Card”, created to endorse and manage agreements signed for Tourists in Freedom with museums and cultural organisations, aimed at promoting Italian cultural and artistic heritage. Last September 14th, while the Salone was taking place, the marriage between APC and Museo dell’Accademia Etrusca […]